Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Catching up

I haven't posted in a while. Life's been wild. We've been going snowboarding. Went to Colorado on vacation. I can't believe February is almost over. I have lots of stuff to do. Let's see. I finished a baby blanket in November that needs to be blocked still. I made my friend a Golden Compass Hat. I crocheted another mushroom cap. I made a cozy for my GPS. I started this diagonal striped scarf. It seems to be taking forever.

I haven't been knitting a lot since January. I've been very busy and the enthusiasm comes and goes. I want to knit a few baby things because I have two baby showers coming up. I have to get it together so that I can get my projects done in time. I've been sticking to mindless stuff or semi-mindless stuff lately. I haven't felt like challenging myself lately because I don't have the time or the patience. If I'm going to get these baby projects done. I'm going have to find some time to sit down and concentrate on them.